Reentry Success Stories

Spiritual programs at Riverside House help ex-offender stay focused on positive reentry

By March 24, 2016 January 15th, 2025 No Comments

After serving 13 years in prison, 41-year-old Martina Fernandez was eager to make a positive change. In 2007, she made the commitment get clean from drugs and begin a better life for God. Her transition from prison to Riverside House has only helped to reinforce her dedication to getting on the right track.

One of our staff members recently spoke with Martina about her experience thus far at Riverside House. She’s only been at the facility for two weeks, but she is already reaping the benefits of being in a constructive environment. Martina expressed that going from a place that didn’t foster much positivity (prison) to one in which the staff and peers greet her and check in on her is very new, but has already helped her to feel happier.

When Martina was asked about what has inspired her the most so far at Riverside House, she stated that the spiritual aspect of the programs has been tremendous in helping her stay focused. She also commented that the life skill classes, group sessions, and even morning roll call has encouraged her to remain positive in spite of the perception of others.  She went on to tell the staff member that she was appreciative for the information that was given to her on how to be a better employee and how to improve her interpersonal skills.

Perhaps one of the greatest benefits of being at Riverside House is that Martina can now communicate more with her children. During her incarceration, she was unable to see her children, but now has the opportunity to speak with them three times a week.

Our staff is proud of her remarkable dedication and focus. They strongly believe that she is ready to make a successful transition back into society. We certainly look forward to her continued success in our programs.

*Name has been changed to protect the identity of the individual.

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