Community Reentry Partnerships

Homeless Community Event Hosted by Miami Beach Community Church

By December 22, 2016 January 15th, 2025 No Comments

Mr. Henton and Mrs. Taylor attended the Homeless Community event hosted by Miami Beach Community Church. Chaplain Henton and Mrs. Taylor assisted with handing out water to those that were homeless as well as helped with cleanup. Over 100 homeless individuals were serviced with the goal of helping them to build self-esteem and promote good health and wellbeing.

Mr. Henton and Mrs. Taylor had this to say of the event:

“This event was an eye opener for me. As I witnessed the homeless participants, it broke my heart to see the needs of our people that are displaced and dismayed. The support from several community partnership was overwhelming. Many that participated were able to get medical care, haircuts manicures, clothings and a hot meal.”


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