Community News

Riverside House’s 2022 Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

By August 18, 2022 June 14th, 2023 No Comments

On July 27th at 7 pm Riverside House had the opportunity to show off its newly renovated outdoor space. We were surrounded by special guests, community partners, The Miami Woman’s Club, Our Young Professionals Board, Commissioner Eileen Higgins, and our staff and residents. This outdoor space is a valuable part of the resident’s rehabilitation, as it allows space for family reunification events such as holidays and special occasions. It also creates a relaxing environment, a place of rest, and a place to gather with other residents.

After the ribbon cutting, all our guests mingled and had refreshments that were generously provided by our community partner Church By The Sea. The Miami Woman’s Club made a generous donation to help purchase the outdoor tables and Commissioner Higgins has supported us all during the renovation process. (Valium) One of our very special guests was Don Orsdel, his father Clifford Orsdel was instrumental in starting Riverside House 45 years ago. It was a wonderful celebration, and everyone lingered until the lights came on and relaxed in the warm summer evening enjoying fellowship. A special shout out to Julio our Maintenance Director for all his hard work and loving care in transforming this outdoor space.


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