Welcome To Riverside House
Riverside House provides safe and comfortable living accommodations for its residents.
Our Building Facilities include Administrative Offices, Group Classrooms, Training Rooms, as well as Designated Areas for Recreation, Visitation, Dining, Laundry, and Chapel Services.
Since its inception in 1972, Riverside House has been located in central Miami with easy access to public transportation at 968 NW 2nd Street. Throughout our years of operation, we have expanded from our original building to our current three-building campus with a capacity to house 120 men and women.
About Us
Our Building Facilities include Administrative Offices, Group Classrooms, Training Rooms, as well as Designated Areas for Recreation, Visitation, Dining, Laundry, and Chapel Services.
• Residential Reentry • Non-Residential Support • Community Partnerships • Spiritual Development
Investments in faith and community-based programs like Riverside House will reduce recidivism, increase public safety, and reduce the incarceration rate.
Riverside Christian Ministries, Inc.
d/b/a Riverside House
968 N.W. 2nd Street
Miami, Florida 33128
Phone: (305) 326-9799
Fax: (305) 326-9003
Comfortable Living
Riverside House provides safe and comfortable living accommodations for its residents and understands that the community’s view of the program most often reflects the outward and inward appearance of the facility’s physical structure. Therefore, Riverside House ensures it meets the zoning, building, sanitation, and health requirements, as well as fire requirements of Local, State, and Federal statutes. Our commitment and drive to maintain a facility that reflects excellence will always be paramount at Riverside House.
Your support is part of helping us keep Riverside House looking its best and serving men and women with an environment that aids positively in their transition to becoming productive citizens.


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